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gAgB gCgD gEgF gGgH gIgJ gKgL gMgN gOgP gQgR gSgT gUgV gWgX gYgZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
world phone +globe 9
world phone +globe & phone 38
ww WINWIN +globe 21, 25
www.KALPTARU.net +globe tre 9
young EXPLORER +globe & bir 16
z +globe 35, 36, 39, 42
globes 42
globes circles & pentagons 28
AI AIALGOS +globes 42
AVTAR +globes 24
B BARON LEATHER +globes 27
CONNECTION +globes 16
EARTHSELLERS +man & globes 36
FIFA +globes 28
ICC +globes 9, 16, 35, 36, 41, 42
IKIKOO +globes 35
SYMPHONY +globes 24
man & globes 36
G globia 11
globin AVICAL +shell 5
globin NEUROVIT-sr +globe 5
globin OMID 5
G-globin 5
TEMENOS globus 9
gloden OVEN 29
RELIANCE seven glories 42
glorious 50 PLAYBACK YEARS 9
glorious grooming +woman 44
GBW glorious beauty world 44
glory-VM shirts 25
FADED glory 24, 25
GARDEN'S glory queen 24
GLMK glory +oval 25
GREEN glory 21
IGS ARAB glory of world 23
KITCHEN glory 42
MORNING glory 25
NATURON fair n glory 3
SURYA glory 19
WIPRO glory 11
ZODIAC silk glory 25
blaze of glory 25
glos'n GLOW 3
ALL ROUNDER high gloss 2
ANKUR hi-gloss 2
BERGER LUXOL hi-gloss 2
BERLEX SUPER hi-gloss 2
GYPSY super gloss +containe 2
NUTRI gloss 3
OSWAL full gloss 2
SPECTROLAC super gloss 2
TABU hy-gloss natural 3
TURBU hy-gloss 3
V WOOD SHINE high gloss 2
WIN gloss 2
coates VYNI gloss 2
SONA glossy matches +flower 34
AHILL body glove 25
BODY glove 25
BOX OUT +glove & square 28
SURGISORB glove powder 3
TAX +shoe hat & glove 11
milwaukee brewers +glove 16
CHEMISAFE MN rubber gloves 9
MALTA NATHI +face & gloves 9
PROTECTO examination gloves 10
SURGICARE surgical gloves 10
WORLD CUP +bat ball gloves 16
rajda gloves with iq 9
glow BY J.LO 3
glow STAR +star & ovals 9
glow after dark BY J.LO 3
glow by J. LO 3
glow mask +plants & face 5
glow more compect 3
glow-TONE 3
glow-kid 5
AAS face glow +leaves 5
BAJAJ glow 12
BINACA glow 3
BREEZY glow +woman & square 3
C & G charm & glow 3
CAMLI-glow 16
glow 41
EMAMI silk'n glow 3, 5
F & L YOUTH glow 3
GLARE glow 9
GODREJ fair glow 3
GODREJ fair glow +women 3
GOOREJ fair glow 3
JN wood glow 2
KOLOR glow 16
KOTHARI night glow 14
KOTHARY'S glow fair 5
LAPOX clear glow 2
LIPCHU fresh glow +woman 3
LUX aromatic glow 3
MAA DANTE'S skin glow-ON 5
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